Bandoola Kyaung Monastery, Mrauk-U

  • Location: In Mrauk U, Rakhine State, Western Myanmar
  • Attractions: Discovery of the monks' lives, Mahakyan Sandamuni Buddha Image, Monastic Museum

Heading west of Mrauk U, you can visit the Bandoola Kyaung, a charming destination which is named the Sanda Munhni Phara Gri Kyaung Taik. People say that this monastery between several hills holds a Buddha tooth relic. It is interesting to wander up and down the steps, discover the lives of the monks. It also has Mahakyan Sandamuni Buddha Image whose metal alloy was the leftover of the Mahamuni Buddha Image now seen in Mandalay. As the trace of Buddha’s visit, people from Mrauk U and Rakhine State say that the Buddha image inside the Bandoola Monastery was embraced by the Buddha to give life to it. Henceforth, the kings of Mrauk U, having believed in the Buddha’s teachings, became Buddhists and constructed the temples dedicating to the Buddha. In the monastery, there is also Monastic Museum with Buddhist artifacts and antiques.

Attractions In Mrauk U

Chin Village
'The Chin' is well-known among many other ethnic minority groups in Myanmar for its impressive...
Shite Thaung Temple
Contained eighty thousand Buddha images, Shite Thaung or The Shai-thaung Temple or Temple of...
Htukkanthein Temple
Most Buddhist temples in Mrauk U are designed to be both fortress and temple, so is Htukkanthein....
Bandoola Kyaung Monastery
Heading west of Mrauk U, you can visit the Bandoola Kyaung, a charming destination which is named...
Koe Thaung Temple
The Koe-Thaung which is built of brick faced with sandstone, square in plan, measuring nearly 80...
Mahabodhi Shwegu Temple
The Mahabodhi Shwegu temple has a location on the hill side in the North of Mrauk U town of...

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