7 days

Staggering Naypyidaw Capital

Tour Style: Flexible & Private Tour
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  • Discovering the beauty of the capital city of Naypyidaw.
  • Visiting many ancient places in Myanmar: Shwesandaw Pagoda, Chaukhtatgyi Pagoda, Sule Pagoda
  • Studying life of the local people in Buda villages standing on cliffs.
  • Exploring the wonderful Yangon through the ancient buildings such as Karaweik Hall, Sule Pagoda or China Town.

It has been long proud of one of the most attractive destinations in the world. Many visitors come here not only to find the beautiful sights that the creator endowed each region, but also to explore the peaceful life of Buddha land. Our tour will give you many life slices in Myanmar. Besides a Yangon with antique pagodas, there is a capital Naypyidaw with some modern buildings. China Town and Bogyoke Aung Market will be an idealistic stop for you to discover lifestyle and custom of the Burmese.

By Day Destinations Activities Meals
Day 1 Yangon arrival - Pyay Arrival in Yangon, then drive to visit sights in Pyay such as night... N/A
Day 2 Pyay -Thayekhittaya - Akauk Taung -... Visit Museum, Baw Baw Gyi and Be Be Gyi in Thayekhittaya; explore... B
Day 3 Pyay - Naypidaw Drive to Naypyidaw B
Day 4 Naypyidaw sightseeing Sightsee the capital city of Naypyidaw B
Day 5 Naypyidaw - Yangon Drive back to Yangon. B
Day 6 Yangon sightseeing Visit Chaukhtatgyi Pagoda, Karaweik Hall, Sule Pagoda, China Town and... B
Day 7 Yangon departure Go shopping at Treasure, Gems and Handicrafts shops, visit to Bogyoke... B

Tour price is indicative only, please inquiry for a best quotation & best offers from us. Don't miss out! We are always here to help you...

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