4 days

Treasure Land from Mandalay to Bagan

Tour Style: Flexible & Private Tour
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  • Visit the local morning and night markets and Mandalay Hill for beautiful sightseeing.
  • Explore Burmese architectural arts in Thanboddhay Pagoda and Boditahtaung Pagoda in Monywa.
  • Discover cave temple complex of Po Win Taung - the richest collection of Buddhist statues and mural paintings in Southeast Asia.
  • Halt at some local villages and workshops to learn about the local life and process of producing wood carvings and lacquer ware in Bagan.

This is a trip from Mandalay to Bagan covering a lot of specialties of a sacred country. Myanmar and Burmese appear as the beauties on our journey. We will halt at some pagodas such as Sutaungpyei, Thanboddhay and Boditahtaung Pagoda for exploring the Buddhist architectural arts which is famous with the name of Myanmar. Wonderful views and exciting stories in the villages and local markets besides the excellent environment for a holiday are also contribute to making a memorable trip. You may be offered a balloon trip over Bagan to see the city from a height depending on the time you book our tour.

By Day Destinations Activities Meals
Day 1 Mandalay Visit the outskirts and local market, come to Mandalay Hill for... N/A
Day 2 Mandalay - Monywa Drive to Monywa, visit Thanboddhay Pagoda and Boditahtaung Pagoda,... B
Day 3 Monywa - Powintaung - Pakkoku - Bagan Drive to and explore the cave temple complex of Po Win Taung,... B
Day 4 Bagan Visit market in Bagan, come to local workshops producing wood... B

Tour price is indicative only, please inquiry for a best quotation & best offers from us. Don't miss out! We are always here to help you...

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